Pictures of Early Explorers
On this page you see many of the early explorers that paved the way for what we have today. I hope you find the people you are looking for and if you don't check back at a later time because I will be adding more later.
To use this page click on any picture to get more information on that particular explorer. Once you are at that Explorer's page simply click on the Explorer's picture again to get back to this page.
Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Henry Cortes Henry Hudson Henry The Navigator Hernando De Soto James Cook
Early explorer for Spain Early explorer for Spain Early explorer for Spain Early explorer for England Early Explorer for Portugal Early Explorer for Spain Early Explorer for England
Jacques Cartier John Cabot Juan Ponce De Leon Leif Eriksson Meriwether Lewis & Rene-Robert Cavalier, Samuel De Champlain
Early Explorer for France Early explorer for England Early explorer for Spain Viking explorer William Clark Sieur De La Salle Early explorer for France
Early explorers for Early explorer for France
the U.S.A.
Sir Francis Drake Sir Walter Raleigh Vasco Da Gama Amerigo Vespucci
Early explorer for England Early explorer for England Early explorer for Portugal Early explorer for Spain
this site was last updated 08/04/2004 08:08 PM -0400